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Hi I’m Jennifer Rivera


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Get To Know Me

Jennifer Rivera graduated from Florida International University (FIU), with two Bachelor Degrees in International Relations and Political Science with certificates in National Security and Middle Eastern Studies. Jennifer was a senior research intern for the State Department's Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, developing and delivering presentations on environmental cases to key stakeholders. Additionally, she interned for the Department of Energy’s Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence. She was a fellow for the Intelligence Community - Centers for Academic Excellence (IC-CAE) Intelligence Fellowship at FIU, conducting open-source research on Latin America. Her local experience includes interning for former Congresswoman Donna Shalala, working as a lead facilitator for the Children’s Trust Miami, and engaging on campus with community service organizations.

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Global Learning Courses

CPO 3010 Comparative Politics focuses on understanding the nature and working of political frameworks around the world by looking at various types of political systems. I was able to learn about the difference between democratic governments and authoritarian. Additionally, the impact nonstate actors can have on a government.

 ARA 1130/1131 Learned about the Arab Language and Culture for two semesters. I had the opportunity to give a presentation on Dubai and the country's expansion. I was able to learn a valuable amount of Arabic words. This course was very important to me because it allowed me to complete the Middle Eastern Studies Certificate

INR 3081 Contemporary International Problems: Examines contemporary international security issues such as environment and nonproliferation. This course influenced me to learn more about the ongoing contemporary challenges. I learned how environmental degradation and be a factor in migration

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For the Fall of 2021, I served as Outreach Coordinator. I provided assistance reaching out to speakers and organizations advocating women's rights. Our events ranged from understanding reproductive rights to human trafficking in Latin America. FIU UNWomen has granted me the opportunity to look at the importance of advancing women's rights abroad. My favorite event was sharing with students advice on how to pursue certain internships.

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Panther Communtiy Action Board

Through the Panther Community Action Board, I have helped address social issues impacting Miami and the FIU Community. As a Board Member, I assisted with event outreach, developing products, and facilitating events. Additionally, I assisted with university-wide days of service and Changemaker Challenge Days. 
My experience helped me improve my public speaking. Through the events, we looked at UN Sustainable Development Goals. Some of our social issues included human trafficking, food insecurity, cancer awareness, houselessness, and environmental justice. I helped fundraise for organizations such as Lotus House and Habitat for Humanity. I later return as an alumni to help train the new board members

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Cox-State Department Diplomacy Seminar

In 2020, I was given a scholarship to participate in Cox-State Department Diplomacy Seminar. I  had the opportunity to learn about foreign service. I talked to foreign service officers and individuals working in the State Department. I learned the importance of understanding different world cultures in order to be a foreign service officer. I talked to Rangel and Pickering fellows about the application process and the benefits of the programs. I also presented on how to share with my university the opportunities of the seminar.

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Campus Life: Women in Politics

and Policy DC Fly-In

In February of 2021, I was accepted into the virtual Women in Politics Fly-In. I had the opportunity to network with women in a male-dominated career. I was able to hear from women in tech and politics. Through this opportunity, I was able to network with other women in this career field and with other women aspiring to enter the policy and political sphere. I was able to understand the importance of foreign relations and cross-cultural community development when connecting with congressional staffers. The fly-in gave me a better understanding of the importance of diversity and inclusion in government. The fly-in inspired me to continue applying to internships and programs because I belong.

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JGI Intelligence Fellowship

The fellowship focused on national security issues affecting the international system. I participated in multiple events concerning international issues and social issues. I volunteered and helped assist in simulations dealing with China's geopolitics. I worked on a product concerning transnational organizations in the Northern Triangle. The program inspired me to continue pursuing a career in foreign service no matter how difficult it is. The fellowship provided me with so many mentors in a field I never envision myself in. The fellowship allowed me to network with other aspiring analyst.

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Department of State Internship

I had the opportunity to intern for the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs. I began interning for the Bureau in 2020. I examine environmental degradation in Ecuador. I gathered information on the mining sector and the impact it has on indigenous people. I then did a comparison with Argentina with my team. I continued conducting in-depth research on environmental defenders in Latin America. Environmental defenders are often overlooked because we neglect to understand the impacts of climate change. I obtained a better understanding of governance, rule of law, and energy through the course of my internship. Additionally, I was entrusted with leading a team research multiple energy sector for stakeholders. The internship interested me to continue studying environmental issues but more towards security. I have continued to use my knowledge from this internship.

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Department of Energy Internship

My Department of Energy internship allowed me to look at energy globally. I was able to look at the different initiatives the Department of Energy has to advance clean energy within the US and Abroad. I learned about the importance of infrastructure to strengthen the movement of energy. I gain mentorship from experts on energy security. I attended different sessions related to the functions of nuclear security.

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GLM Reflection

FIU and the Global Learning Medallion program have allowed me to expand my global awareness and learn about my community in Miami and communities around the world. When I first started at FIU I didn't have any idea what I should participate in. As a first-generation college student, I felt overwhelmed by everything around me. I first learned about the Global Learning Office through the GL courses students are required to complete.

As an international relations major almost all of the courses are related to global learning. My major allowed me to have a better understanding of misconceptions of world cultures. This led me to get a certificate in Middle Eastern Studies. I wanted to learn more about the culture and languages of the region. GL allowed me to find more events and opportunities to learn more and gain a better perspective. 

In my junior, I wanted to use my knowledge of global issues at the local level. I decided to join the Panther Community Action Board. It gains a better understanding of how all social issues correlate with one another. We often highlight our differences that we forget the similarities with one another. It was important we have an event on immigration because people don't question why so many people are migrating to other countries.

 My Diplomacy Lab course showed me how interconnected the world is. We examined environmental issues in Latin America that the US is currently facing. Before this, I didn't know a lot about the environment and climate change. This course opened my eyes to an important issue that will continue to worsen if we don't do something. This course led me to apply to multiple environmental internships. My time at FIU has made me a better Global Citizen. I hope to continue advocating solutions for global issues.

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